Sunday, January 23, 2022



Be an independent woman and he will see you; He will know if he loses you, he will lose something great. Not that you have become a threat. If he thinks that way, he isn't the man for you at all. He will just be waiting for you to take a fall. He should admire and worship the ground you walk on. He should be there applauding your success and watching you shine. You should be his star; his Queen and he would never want to be apart. He should always work hard even if you got your own, so he doesn't become the dependent one. Some men like an independent woman to only want to use them, faking love to only confuse you, but deep down inside he only wants to abuse you. That is what a weak man becomes, when being with an independent one. Independence can be powerful and a curse at the same time. Men can't handle seeing a women shine. They can't handle her strength or her rare kind. They want to be the only beast and kings of the jungle. So, they want to watch you struggle, to plead and cry for their help and still watch you crumble. Stay Independent not ever co-dependent, stay strong in what you believe so you can achieve all your dreams without that so called king. 

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